Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pickled Mustard Seeds

1 Cup Yellow Mustards Seeds

1 ½ Cup Water

1 ½ Cup Seasoned Rice Wine Vinegar

½ Cup Sugar

1 Tablespoon Kosher Salt

4 tsp. Granulated Garlic

4 tsp. Granulated Onion

8 Cloves Garlic, finely minced

2 tsp. White Pepper

4 tsp. Curry Powder


1.    Combine all ingredients except the Curry Powder in a small heavy saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer over low heat. DO NOT allow to boil as it will make the seeds bitter.

2.    Simmer, stirring often, until the mustard seeds are plump and tender; about 45 minutes. If they look like they’re beginning to dry out, add water as needed to keep them barely submerged.

3.    Stir in Curry Powder & remove from heat.

4.    Season as needed with Salt, Pepper or Sugar to your taste.

5.    Cool and refrigerate in a covered container. It will keep for months.


This recipe inspired by watching the reality show “Chopped" and some of the cool things those chefs produce. It can usually be found in my refrigerator. I use it on everything from sandwiches to salads – and even to top deviled eggs. I love it best on anything charred meat.

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