Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My other Addiction

As a kid, I never could get enough of it. Well, who am I kidding, I still could eat it morning, noon & night. I’m talking about one of my favorite condiments in the pantry – Peanut Butter. I could eat it on most anything; yes most anything, not anything. I do draw the line somewhere. I haven’t come across that line just yet, but I will let you know when I do. I blame this on my mom.  She loves; I mean that she LOVES mustard. Any kind and on anything. And yes, anything, including pancakes with or without syrup. Trust me, I’ve seen it. It isn’t pretty.

But we aren’t talking mustard, that’s another show. We’re talking Peanut Butter. Mmm peanut butter. Oh how I love thee. Once I got two 5 pounds jar of Peter Pan and a cornucopia of PB related treats – boy was that was a great birthday! Also, if I ever see a PB cookie, don’t even ask if you can have it, cuz it’s mine. I might be talked into sharing a small piece, maybe, just maybe.

For years, I have searched for the perfect PB cookie and this Christmas I finally found it. The original recipe had just three ingredients. This made me skeptical. I mean, I have a background in baking & this cookie recipe had no FLOUR in it! What?!? This makes no sense, I thought to myself. There’s no way it will work. Nevertheless, I tried it out because after all, it did have PB in it.

WOW! It was really good! But if you know me like I know me, I couldn’t leave good enough alone. So I played with it a bit and gave a twist or two to the recipe. I ended up adding three more ingredients to the original recipe, yet there is still no flour so they are gluten free as long as your PB is too. Don’t knock the curry powder here – it is very subtle & serves to bring the peanutiness out.


Peanut Butter Cookies

  • Total Time: 12 mins
  • Yield: 18 cookies


    • 1 cup peanut butter ( your choice, smooth or chunky)
    • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
    • 1/2 cup brown sugar
    • 1 large egg
    • 1/16 tsp curry powder
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract
    • sugar, for rolling or dusting (optional – I like sanding sugar best)


  1. Mix peanut butter, both sugars, curry, vanilla and egg together until smooth.
  2. Drop by teaspoon onto cookie sheet two inches apart. If desired, roll in extra sugar before placing on cookie sheet.
  3. Press with fork; press again in opposite direction.*
  4. Bake 8-9 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Do not brown; do not over bake.

*If making Peanut Butter Blossoms, roll balls in sugar & do not flatten before baking.

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